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Regulatory Speaker Series 2021

The Office of the Community of Federal Regulators (CFR) is proud to present, in collaboration with the Canada School of Public Service, the Regulatory Speaker Series 2021. The series offers free access to talks by regulatory experts on a variety of topics and provides a great vehicle to showcase best practices.

More information on the series can be found on the CFR events page on GCpedia.

Florentin Blanc on International Regulatory Flexibilities During the Pandemic

Internationally recognized regulatory expert and Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) senior policy analyst Florentin Blanc will lead a discussion on several key initiatives and experiments that are of particular value to regulators in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This session will identify the challenges and address how regulatory communities have coped by implementing flexibilities into their compliance and enforcement models. Blanc will discuss these flexibilities—including what went well and the not so perfect—and venture into where we go from here. Participants will walk away with some suggested direction on improving the resilience and responsiveness of regulatory delivery systems in times of crisis.


Florentin Blanc, Senior Policy Analyst, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and consultant to the World Bank Group and governments on investment climate and business environment


Alexandre Daoust, A/ Executive Director, Community of Federal Regulators

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